What to Expect During Your First Trimester

Your first trimester is 13 weeks of new developments and new experiences. Learn how your body changes and how your baby develops week by week.  Weeks 1-3 During this time the sperm and egg fuse (otherwise known as fertilization) resulting in a zygote, a single-cell organism made up of genetic material from both you and …

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7 Awesome Things Your Body Does During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing experience—mentally, emotionally, and physically. But that isn’t a big surprise – after all, you’ve got a little human being growing inside you! But with that little “bun in the oven” comes a lot of changes. Here are 7 awesome things your body does during pregnancy: [mighty_toggle title=”1. Your Blood Volume Increases” state=”open”] “During pregnancy, …

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Pregnancy: Your Developing Baby, Week by Week

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Your baby will go through so many changes during the next nine months. In the beginning, your baby begins as a tiny cluster of cells. Throughout the weeks, the tiny cluster of cells will turn into an amazing baby with facial features, beating heart, and moving arms and legs. Find out …

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Why Do Babies Have Umbilical Cords?

The umbilical cord is your baby’s lifeline, in every sense of the word. According to the American Pregnancy Association the umbilical cord attaches the fetus to the placenta in utero. The placenta is an extremely fascinating organ, in that it is a brand new organ that your body develops just for the purpose of supporting your pregnancy, …

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