Is it a boy or a girl??

So there you are. In your ob/gyn’s  office, getting ready to hear your baby’s heartbeat, get measured and weighed. You’ve been discussing your birth plan with your doctor, making decisions such as whether you will be banking your baby’s umbilical cord blood and whether or not you will  have pain medication.  Have you ever left the ob/gyn office really wanting to know the sex of your baby but they just couldn’t tell you. Or you didn’t ask, or you got cold feet… Here are some fun ways to predict whether you’re carrying a boy or a girl…if you’re carrying low, it may be a boy or if the heart rate is higher it may be a girl… either way you will have a good laugh trying to predict the sex of your baby!  At you will find 12  ways to predict if you’re having a boy or a girl.  Read here for some laughs…

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