Dental care during pregnancy

For years, we’ve been told that a woman may experience dental problems during pregnancy.  But popular wisdom has held that any extensive dental care to resolve a problem during pregnancy should be put on hold till after the baby is born to avoid any unanticipated issues with the treatment.

Now a study reports that it is imperative to resolve dental problems when they happen and not to wait till post-delivery.  Apparently, the bacteria that may form as a result of dental problems can be transmitted to newborns in a number of ways common to mothering (you know, kissing your baby, feeding your baby, etc).  Infants are not born with bacteria in their mouths and the transmission of such can create “rampant tooth decay” in the child as he or she grows.

So don’t avoid the dentist – any more than you usually do!  Here is some more information, read the article:



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