Oh, The Labels

I recently spoke with a postpartum mom who is participating in a specific online support group. While I can’t reveal its title, it did get me thinking about a topic I have pondered since I conceived my first daughter Lo those many years ago. It’s a little something I like to call The Label Trap. …

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Can Breastfeeding Delay Early Menopause?

February is American Heart Month, and the Go Red for Women campaign raises awareness for women’s heart disease. Most people unfortunately still think of heart disease as a men’s health issue, but the truth is that more women die from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than men! In that spirit, I would like to make mention of …

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Breastfeeding vs Bottle Feeding: It’s your choice

Pregnant women can be overwhelmed with questions about what motherhood will be like. And often one of the top concerns is deciding whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. What makes the experience special is that moms can choose how to feed her babies based on what feels best for her body and her baby. Most …

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10 Foods to Increase Lactation!

Having an adequate milk supply for your baby is essential to his/her nutrition. If you are looking to increase lactation these following foods can help: Water While not a food, water is one of the most important items needed for an adequate milk supply. “According to studies, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.” Try drinking …

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10 Foods to Increase Lactation

Having an adequate milk supply for your baby is essential to his/her nutrition. If you are looking to increase lactation these following foods can help: Water While not a food, water is one of the most important items needed for an adequate milk supply. “According to studies, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.” Try drinking …

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How to naturally increase your milk supply

Since we can’t measure breast milk intake the way we can formula, it is easy to be insecure about your milk supply.  If you feel your milk supply is low, here are some suggestions on how to increase it: Take care of yourself. Eat well and drink plenty of fluids. During nursing, try not to …

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How to prepare dads for labor.

Take these steps to involve, support and prepare your partner for labour.When a woman is pregnant most of the outside world’s attention is on the mother to be. On the one hand, this makes sense because it is the mother who bears the physical appearance of pregnancy and birth and the special connection to a …

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