A Doula’s Perspective on Cord Blood Banking

As a former doula, I can tell you that the least predictable process on the planet is labor and birth. And that was part of the fun – I never knew what awaited me as I supported moms and their families during this miraculous time in their lives. 

Every birth was unique, and my job required that I wear many hats. One of my roles was that of cord blood coordinator.  Of course, I didn’t collect the cord blood; that was the job of the amazing L&D nurses. However, once the vials were filled, it was my responsibility to call the cord blood bank and request a prompt pick-up. 

There was no way to know while I was securing the contents of Maze Cord Blood boxes and speaking with their friendly staff that one day, I’d be part of the Maze team. I’m now able to see for myself the commitment to the highest standards of safe storage, evidence-based literature and customer service. 

July is Cord Blood Awareness Month, and that means it’s a great time to give some thought to this potentially life-saving service. 

Whether or not you choose to bank or donate cord blood is – like all other prenatal decisions – intensely personal. Do your research, ensure that all of your questions are answered, and talk with other parents about their experiences. 

Medical discoveries are being made each and every day, and cord blood and cord tissue might offer future benefits the likes of which we can only currently dream. If you’re wondering whether cord blood collection is right for you and your family, contact us and request a free information packet. You’re probably spending a lot of time comparing strollers and car seats – I think cord blood is just as worthy a consideration.