10 ways grandparents can stay out of trouble

    Being a grandparent is easy, you get to lavish all the love and hugs to your new grandchild and then you get to leave. Or not.  Its a slippery slope being a grandparent these days.  There is so much information on the internet about  pregnancy, labor and delivery, cord blood banking, and child …

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Stress and Pregnancy

Researchers world-wide have been studying whether stress in pregnancy can lead to emotional and behavioural problems in children for many years. Attention is now moving towards how parents might alter these effects after birth. Researchers are aiming to improve understanding of the issues to help enhance information services for pregnant women and their partners. Scientists …

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Pregnancy Resources

This site has resources and links to hundreds of websites that can help you as your pregnancy progresses. It is a comprehensive compilation of information related to pregnancy. From planning to healthy pregnancy to stages of pregnancy and childbirth and labor and cord blood banking this is the go- to site. Enjoy!!!

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Mom’s fish eating may affect child’s ADHD risk, study says

      Children’s risk of developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) later in life may be tied to how much fish their mothers ate while pregnant, according to a U.S. study. Researchers writing in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found that eating at least two servings of fish per week was linked to about a 60 percent …

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Potassium and pregnancy, are you getting enough?

    Potassium is a very important mineral for both pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Not only does potassium help to maintain your fluid and electrolyte balance but potassium sends important nerve impulses, helps your muscles contract, keeps your blood pressure stable and normal and helps your body to release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Potassium helps reduce swelling too (yes, a …

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Bottle or breast?

Bottle vs. Breast.  Some people are able to nurse successfully from the very first minute their baby starts to suckle.  There are also those who need help or advice or just encouragement. And there are those who just feel that bottle-feeding is right for them. LaLeche league teaches encourages and supports moms who have chosen to …

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To Conception and Beyond……..

If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, or if you are having difficulties getting pregnant, this website is an amazing resource.  From pre conception to ‘normal’ pregnancy to high risk pregnancies, there are blog posts, resources and wonderful success stories to answer your unique questions.  You can find women and men who are going through …

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