How Is Cord Blood Stored?

Cord blood cannot be stored in a regular freezer, it needs to be kept extremely cold, -130 degrees Celsius.  Because of this, it is stored in a nitrogen freezer.    There are 2 types of nitrogen freezers, liquid and vapor.  A liquid nitrogen freezer submerges the samples directly into the nitrogen.  A vapor nitrogen freezer …

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Cord Blood Collection Method

Parents will often ask what is our method of cord blood collection.  We used a closed system because we believe it is the best way to prevent contamination.  The blood is collected in a bag and transferred through a tube into another bag for processing.  This prevents the cord blood from ever touching the air …

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How Long Can the Blood Wait to Be Processed

Being located in New York, we work extensively with parents from as far away as California.  Sometimes, we will talk with the parents in California who worry that the travel from California to NY will cause something to go wrong with the cord blood.  We always assure parents that is not the case.  US regulations …

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Cord Blood as a Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Back in March, we wrote about a Today Show segment about a baby who had been treated for cerebral palsy using his own cord blood.  Another child from the Duke University study treating cerebral palsy has been introduced to the media.  A little girl from Colorado also received the cord blood stem cell treatment.  Read the full story …

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